European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Nuevos grupos de trabajo en la Conferencia de ONGIS

La Sra. Anna Rurka, Presidenta de la Conferencia de ONGIS ha escrito a EN-RE y a las otras 320 ONGs internacionales acreditadas para pedir nuestra respuesta sobre los grupos de trabajo y grupos transversales en que nous gustaría participar durante los próximos 3 años desde 2018 hasta 2021.

Lxs miembrxs de EN-RE poseen mucha experiencia y conocimientos valiosos para compartir con la Conferencia de ONGIS (COING) y les invito a participar con sus sugerencias y elección de grupo de trabajo y grupo transversal y si estarían dispuestxs a participar en un grupo de trabajo como miembro de EN-RE sin forzosamente tener que viajar a Estrasburgo para las reuniones de los grupos de trabajo en enero, abril, junio y octubre de cada año.

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Sala de prensa de la Conferencia de ONGIs Junio a Noviembre 2017

Hay que leer este artículo titulado Sala de Prensa de la Conferencia de ONGIs Junio a Noviembre de 2017 junto con las versiones en inglés o francés, (bajo Council of Europe o Conseil d'Europe en nuestra web) según su preferencia, porque los enlaces de este artículo se limitan a estos dos idiomas oficiales. La portada del Consejo de Europa sale en inglés o francés pero hay opciones a italiano, alemán y ruso para la portada, si uno teclea sobre la flecha contigua a EN o FR en el membrete. Luego hay determinados documentos que están escritos en muchos idiomas, por ejemplo, el Código de Buenas Prácticas para la participación ciudadana en el proceso de toma de decisiones está disponible en 22 idiomas europeos de la Conferencia de ONGIs está disponibles en 22 idiomas europeos. Hay que bajar hasta el fondo de la página de este enlace para encontrarlos.

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Salle de presse de Conférence d'OING juin-novembre 2017

Le programme pour la session de juin 2017 de la Conférence d'OING où le recommandation Droits de l'Homme et Entreprises, piloté par EN-RE, a été adopté se voit dans ce lien. Nous vous recommandons à lire les fiches de présentation et les ordres du jour pour vous renseigner mieux. Le rapport après la session de juin 2017 décrit le déroulement de la session, presenciée par Robert Simon et Fernand Jehl, et publie les résultats aux elections dans les trois commissions thématiques.

Le site de la Salle de presse de la Conférence d'OING est mise à jour continuellement et la dernière information à la rédaction de ce texte est du 23 novembre 2017. Parmi les informations décrites il y a le débat sur la peine de mort, présencié par Fernand Jehl et Hugo Castelli. Ce lien contient un vidéo en anglais de la religieuse américaine Sister Helen Prejean, une activiste célèbre dans le monde entier pour la lutte contre la peine de mort.

Pas inclus dans les liens est l'excellent bulletin spécialement publié pour le 10 octobre 2017, la 15ème Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort, et que vous pouvez décharger de cet article:

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Conference of INGOs Newsroom June-November 2017

The programme for the Conference of INGOs June 2017 Session where the recommendation Human Rights & Business, piloted by EN-RE, was adopted can be seen in this link.  Please read the Presentation Sheets and Draft Agendas for further information. The Report after the June 2017 session describes this session which was attended by Robert Simon and Fernand Jehl and contains the results of the elections for the three thematic committees.

The Conference of INGOs Newsroom is continually being updated and the latest information on writing this article is dated 23rd November 2017. Amongst the information included is the Debate on the Possible threat of the return of the death penalty which was attended by Fernand Jehl and Hugo Castelli. This link contains an excellent short video in English by the American nun Sister Helen Prejean, a world famous activist against the death penalty.

Not contained on the link is the excellent bulletin published  specially for October 10th 2017 15th World Day against the death penalty which you can download from this article:

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La esclavización de los Negros en Libia

La publicación del vídeo exclusivo de CNN que muestra como los migrantes africanos sub-saharianos son vendidos como esclavos en Líbia motivó una manifestación en París el sábado 18 de noviembre de 2017. La página web de Le Monde publicó la noticia a las 2 de la madrugada del domingo: Un millier de personnes manifestent à Paris contre l'esclavage en Libye/Mil personas participan en una manifestación en París contra la esclavización en Líbia. Según algunos testigos presenciales serían unos 6.000 manifestantes. La protesta fue organizada por CECCL (Collectif contre l'esclavage et les camps de concentration en Libye/Colectivo contra la esclavización y los campos de concentración en Líbia) junto con otras ONGs.

La asociación francesa SOS RACISMO ha publicado una petición sobre este asunto y les pedimos que la firmen para asegurar que los Estados africanos, la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros intervienen para terminar con este crímen de la esclavación de los migrantes sub-saharianos. Les pedimos también que contactes con las ONGs, los partidos políticos, los diputados de vuestros países y del Parlamento Europeo y de vuestro Gobierno para acabar con este crímen. Enviaremos una petición al Comisario de Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa, el Sr Nils Muiznieks, para que abre una investigación.

L'esclavage des Noirs en Libye

La publication du vidéo exclusif de CNN qui montre comme des migrants africains sub-sahariennes sont vendus comme esclaves en Libye est la cause d'une manifestation à Paris samedi 18 de novembre de 2017. Le site de Le Monde publiqua la nouvelle à 2h du matin du dimanche: Un millier de personnes manifestent à Paris contre l'esclavage en Libye. Selon des témoins de l'évènement il y avait plutôt vers 6,000 manifestants. La manif a été organisée par CECCL (Collectif contre l'esclavage et les camps de concentration en Libye) avec d'autres ONGs.

L'association française SOS RACISME a publié une pétition à ce sujet et nous vous prions à la signer pour assurer que les Etats africaines, l'Union Européenne et ses Etats membres interviennent pour terminer avec ce crime de l'esclavage des migrants sub-sahariennes. Nous vous prions aussi de contacter avec les ONGs, les partis politiques, les députés de vos pays et du Parlement Européenne et de votre gouvernement pour mettre fin à ce crime. Nous enverrons une pétition au Commissaire de Droits de l'Homme du Conseil de l'Europe, M. Nils Muiznieks, pour qu'il enquête cette question.

The Enslavement of Blacks in Libya

The release of CNN's exclusive Video showing Sub Saharan African migrants being sold as slaves in Libya caused a demonstration in Paris on Saturday 18th November 2017. Le Monde's website published the following news at 2 AM on Sunday morning: Un millier de personnes manifestent à Paris contre l'esclavage en Libye (A thousand people demonstrate in Paris against slavery in Libya). According to witnesses, the number of demonstrators was nearer 6,000.  The demonstration was organised by CECCL (Collectif contre l'esclavage et les camps de concentration en Libye/Organization against Slavery and Concentration Camps in Libya) and other NGOs.

The French association SOS RACISME has published a petition on this subject and we ask you to sign it to ensure that African States, the European Union and its member States take action to terminate this enforced enslavement of Sub Saharan migrants. Please also take action with the members of your national Parliament, the European Parliament and of your Government to stop this crime. We will petition the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks to investigate this question.

Educating for Intercultural Dialogue

To see this document, completed in June 2017, by Fernand JEHL of EN-RE together with the other members of the Coordinating Group of the Working Group Educating for Intercultural Dialogue of the Education & Culture Committee, please click on: 

Educating for Intercultural Dialogue

Translation by Christiane BASCOU


37th Madrid Theology Congress

Message of the 37th Theology Congress (You can read the original in Spanish)
Asociación de Teólogos/as Juan XXIII (John XXIII Association of Male & Female Theologians),
11th September 2017

Women & Religion: From Discrimination to Gender Equality

From 7th to 10th September 2017 we have celebrated the 37th Theology Congress on “Women & Religion: From discrimination to Gender Equality” in a climate of serene debate, sincere dialogue and a brotherly-sisterly atmosphere. We began by observing a one minute silence as an expression of condemnation of the terrorist attacks of Barcelona and Cambrils and in solidarity with the families, and another one for the murders of women that have taken place in Spain and all over the world. We join together in yet another minute's silence at the grief of the peoples affected by various hurricanes and earthquakes that have caused dozens of deaths in the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean.

1. We have made a critical analysis of Patriarchy as a system of domination against women, girls, boys and vulnerable people in society. This system is allied with other models of domination: Capitalism, colonialism, fundamentalism, depredation of nature that provokes discrimination of gender, class, ethnicity, culture, religion, country of origin and sexual orientation in all spheres of life: language, daily life, politics, the economy, education, work, family, the home, science, artistic creativity, places of entertainment, communication media, publicity.

2. Our criticism extends to the religions, that have a patriarchal structure, transmit a male-orientated ideology, impose a macho morality and develop sexist practices. In the majority of cases women are not recognized as religious and ethical persons but are considered as inferiors, subordinates, assistants. They are excluded from sacred areas, they are marginalized from posts of responsibility, from the exercise of power and the areas of decision. They are obliged to assume attitudes of obedience and submission that are qualified as virtues.

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The 7 Deadly Sins of the Church in Colombia

(This declaration was witnessed by 2 members of the grassroots community of St Thomas Aquinas of Madrid)

“Now is the moment for the Catholic Church and the Pope to ask for forgiveness”. This statement is contained in the document in which a thousand grassroots Christians, as members of the Catholic Church (CC), asked the victims for forgiveness, on 3rd September 2017 in Bogota, for the participation of their Church thoughout decades in the conflict in Colombia that caused about 300.000 deaths over the last 50 years. In it they demand that the Bishops' Conference asks for forgiveness in a nationwide gesture, as an example of reconciliation.

“With sincere grief -they state-but also with the hope that in our Church in this moment of grace the evangelical force of the “metanoia” or profound conversion is active, WE ASK FOR FORGIVENESS to God and our victims whilst sharing our longing for a more humane future.”

What are the reasons for which the Church must ask for forgiveness? Several investigations have documented grave actions and responsiblities of the CC., which can be summed up in 7 deadly sins:

1ST SIN: CONNIVANCE OF THE MILITARY DIOCESE. The obligation of religious assistance to the Military Forces and the National Police has led to situations in which many victims, especially peasants and male and female popular leaders, who suffered torture in military units, had to see how the Church turned its back on them and, in many cases, blessed without any qualms those who committed the crimes.

scandal of the wrongly named “falsos positivos”, with more than 5700 persons assasinated, who were presented as killed in combat, counted with the collaboration of bishops and priests, especially in Santander and Antioquia, who, invoking their “duty to give spiritual advice to the army”, supported the activities of paramilitary organizations.

2ND SIN: IDEOLOGICAL PERSECUTION OF LIBERALS. Colombia lived a bloody political violence against followers of the Liberal Party between 1899 and 1902. The figure of nearly one hundred thousand deaths is estimated. At that time the CC took sides inciting people to be “good sons of the Church, by being anti-Liberal”. Priests and bishops like Mons. Ezequiel Moreno promoted violence throughout the country, because, according to them, Liberalism was sinful. “It would be good if Catholics took up their rifles”, proclaimed Monsignor Moreno who, however, was canonized by John Paul II, in October 1992, as the saint of the 5th Centenary of the Conquest of America.

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