European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

La ONG Iglesias y Minería (Chiese e miniere) e le direttive UE vincolanti in materia di rendicontazione della sostenibilità e di due diligence

Iglesias y Minería è una piattaforma latinoamericana di ONG cristiane che si ispira a Laudate Sí e che cerca di ottenere un trattato vincolante sui diritti umani per prevenire gli abusi delle multinazionali estrattive in America Latina. Entidades fraternas de Iglesias y Minería descrive le 24 ONG che fanno parte della piattaforma e include la Commissione interconfessionale per la giustizia e la pace della Colombia, con la quale il Gruppo Colombia della comunità di base San Tommaso d'Aquino di Redes Cristianas ha una forte relazione.

Iglesias y Minería è coordinato en Europa con CIDSE :

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Die NGO Iglesias y Minería (Kirchen und Bergbau) und die für die EU verbindliche Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung und Sorgfaltsprüfung

 Iglesias y Minería ist eine lateinamerikanische Plattform christlicher NRO, die sich von Laudate Sí inspirieren lässt und einen verbindlichen Menschenrechtsvertrag anstrebt, um Missbrauch durch multinationale Bergbauunternehmen in Lateinamerika zu verhindern. Entidades fraternas de Iglesias y Minería beschreibt die 24 NRO, die der Plattform angehören, und schließt die Zwischenkirchliche Kommission für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden in Kolumbien ein, zu der die Kolumbien-Gruppe der Basisgemeinschaft St. Thomas Aquinas von Redes Cristianas enge Beziehungen unterhält.

Iglesias y Minería wird in Europa koordiniert mit CIDSE

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NGO Iglesias y Minería (Kerken en mijnbouw) en de bindende duurzaamheidsrapportage en due diligence van de EU

Iglesias y Minería is een Latijns-Amerikaans platform van christelijke NGO's, geïnspireerd door Laudate Sí, dat streeft naar een bindend mensenrechtenverdrag om misbruik door winningsindustrieën in Latijns-Amerika te voorkomen. Entidades fraternas de Iglesias y Minería beschrijft de 24 NGO's die deel uitmaken van het platform en omvat de Interkerkelijke Commissie voor Gerechtigheid en Vrede van Colombia waarmee de Colombia-groep van de basisgemeenschap St. Thomas Aquinas van Redes Cristianas een sterke band heeft.

Iglesias y Minería wordt in Europa gecoördineerd met CIDSE :

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L'ONG Iglesias y Minería (Eglises et l'industrie minière) et les directives de l'UE contraignantes en matière de rapports sur la durabilité et de diligence raisonnable

Iglesias y Minería est une plateforme latino-américaine d'ONG chrétiennes inspirée par Laudate Sí qui cherche à obtenir un traité contraignant sur les droits de l'homme afin de prévenir les abus des multinationales extractivistes en Amérique latine. Entidades fraternas de Iglesias y Minería décrit les 24 ONG qui font partie de la plate-forme et inclut la Commission inter-églises pour la justice et la paix de Colombie avec laquelle le groupe Colombie de la communauté de base Saint-Thomas d'Aquin de Redes Cristianas a une relation forte.

Iglesias y Minería se coordonne en Europe avec CIDSE : "Nous sommes une famille internationale d'organisations catholiques oeuvrant pour

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The NGO Iglesias y Minería (Churches & Mining) and the EU binding sustainability reporting and due diligence directives

Iglesias y Minería is a Latin American platform of Christian NGOs inspired by Laudate Sí that seeks a binding human rights treaty to prevent abuses by extractivist multinationals in Latin America. Entidades fraternas de Iglesias y Minería describes the 24 NGOs that are part of the platform and includes the Inter-Church Commission for Justice and Peace of Colombia with which the Colombia Group of the grassroots community St. Thomas Aquinas of Redes Cristianas has a strong relationship.

Iglesias y Minería in Europe is coordinated with CIDSE: "We are an international family of Catholic social justice organisations working for transformational change to end poverty and inequalities, challenging systemic injustice, inequity, destruction of nature and promoting just and environmentally sustainable alternatives."

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Henk Baars report on his presence at the CCB meeting in Lyon

I had uploaded Henk's report in Dutch which most of us don't understand so I now attach a translation in English.

European Grassroots Communities Meeting

Collectif Européen des Communautés de Base

Lyon (France) -14,15,16 october 2022

Lyon doesn't feel that far away and of course I go by train. About 12 noon from home and really arrived at the address at 9pm. Including finding the Metro and walking. We stayed in a big Don Bosco house and overlooked Lyon with a Roman amphitheatre on our doorstep. We could have done worse. Little do I know then that the return journey will be fraught with major obstacles. There is another meal waiting for us that we can heat up ourselves in a microwave oven. So it's good to get home. We are 7 delegates (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, but actually 8 because Belgium is of course in two,

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News from Nós Somos Igreja

Maria Joao Sande Lemos has sent me some texts by the two most prominent Portuguese theologians of today by Fr Anselmo Borges and Fray Bento Domingos which Nós Somos Igreja are uploading on their website every week.

The first:   Religiões: "o direito à esperança, à beleza, ao Céu" (2) can be downloaded in Portuguese directly from the November 5 edition of the Diario de Noticias

You can read my deepl translation into English by clicking on Text by Anselmo Borges

 Now read the original in Portuguese by Fray Bento Domingos and then the translation on his article


Fray Bento Domingos, O.P.

1. For a long time the Church was only in the news because of the ecclesiastical crimes of paedophilia. It was and still is a fundamental issue and should never be forgotten, as the French Episcopal Conference has just revealed. However, if the Catholic Church has suffered and suffers because of these facts and their consequences, we hope that the Independent Commission will continue its work and will have more and more support from all the bodies of the Catholic world.

It would, however, be a grave error for this misfortune to paralyse the movements for revision of life, for conversion and for missionary innovation. Pope Francis is the first to give the example of pursuing simultaneously

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Collectif Européen des Communautés de Base Lyon (France) -14,15,16 octobre 2022

Lyon voelt niet zo ver weg en natuurlijk ga ik met de trein. Ongeveer 12.00 van huis en om 21.00 echt gearriveerd op het adres. Inclusief zoeken van de Metro en wandeling. We bivakkeren in een groot huis van Don Bosco en kijken uit over Lyon met voor de deur een Romeins amfitheater. We hadden het slechter kunnen treffen. Ik weet dan nog niet dat de terugreis met grote hindernissen zal verlopen. Er staat nog een maaltijd klaar die we zelf kunnen opwarmen in een magnetron. Goed thuiskomen dus. We zijn met 7 gedelegeerden

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Soroptimist International Statement on the Rights of Women & Girls

Since EN-RE participates in the Committee NGOs as Advocates of Gender Equality and Women's Rights, in which one of the co-chairs is Ms. Bettina HAHNE of Soroptimist International, we attach the link to Soroptimist International Statement: The Rights of Women & Girls

Since the Soroptimist statement incorporates a google translator, this declaration can be read in nearly 100 languages.

We men must do everything we can to defend the rights of Women and Girls.

Rapport d'activité de la Conférence des OING depuis juin 2022

Veillez cliquer sur:

Rapport d'activité depuis juin 2022 par le président de la Conférence des OING

et je vous recommande a voir: Comité d'intelligence artificielle

et le BePart Forum

que recommande comment promouvoir la participation des citoyens au processus décisionnel et contient de nombreuses informations utiles et des bonnes pratiques à travers l'Europe en français, anglais, allemand, italien et espagnol. Il s'agit d'une initiative conjointe de la Conférence des OING, du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux et de la Direction générale de la démocratie du Conseil de l'Europe.