European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Council of Europe

INGO ConferenceTransversal Working Group on Poverty

Miguel Cabral, Vice-President of the Human Rights Committee of the Conference of INGOs is also the coordinator of the Transversal working group on Poverty.

Click on Power Point for the ground rules for the working group in June 2018

Click on Poverty for the content of the working group, namely, Poverty: inequalities and enjoyment of rights

In his email of 17th October, Miguel sent the above two attachments and wrote:

Dear members of the Transversal Working Group on Poverty,

Today is the International day for the Eradication of Poverty, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1992. To mark this day, there was an event this morning in Strasbourg to address the Right to Housing, article 31 of the Social Charter, under the theme “The right to decent housing for all”. I would like to thank very much the people of the Working Group that made the event possible.

Also, I figured this would be a great symbolic moment to pick up this Working Group. Due to a mix of personal and professional problems, I was unable to follow the timeline we had previously defined. I am very sorry for that and I hope to make it up to you all in the next months.

As you might remember, we left our last meeting with a defined scope of action (attached, even though we can still make changes in light of the initial discussions of the sub-groups), a set of ground-rules to follow within the Working Group (also attached) and the next steps for our Working Group.

Adapting our initial timeline we have the following steps ahead:
Until the 18th of November:

1 - Check if your information (and of others you might know) is correct on the contact list and your interests are correctly identified: (HC note: I am not a member of the WG but I invite other members of EN-RE to join)

Members identify themselves in the subgroups as follows:

- Subgroup on increasing the enjoyment of social groups in Europe;

- Subgroup on access to adequate education as a tool for breaking systemic poverty;

- Subgroup on overcoming social and cultural exclusion

2 - Spread the word on this working Group among your members, so that we can gather the people that might be interested in the working group but were not able to be at our last meeting.

3 – Please share with me all relevant documents or content your believe would be good to centralize in one space for anyone that might be interested in the topic of poverty, via this form:

After that we will:
- Start sub-group email lists for discussions on actions for the next year
- Define a lead person per sub-group till the end of our next face to face meeting
- Propose a set of actions for the next year
- Start working on the defined actions
- Prepare our April meeting

I hope that life is treating you wonderfully and that all is going well with you all.

Warm regards

Miguel Cabral