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Format : Grand Format (170x240)
Number of pages : 224
Date de publication : 09/10/2018
ISBN : 9782414174065
Paper Book
19,50 €
Digital Book : format Pdf
1,99 €
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his book reports on the rich work of associations, movements and communities of Catholic reformers from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, who delegated their representatives to Rome from the 20th to the 22th of November 2015 in the framework of the Council 50 project, to "manifest their feeling for the good of the Church (Second Vatican Council Lumen Gentium IV, 37)" as requested by Pope Francis. They presented the situation of the Catholic Church and the reform movements in their country and identified the challenges that the world must take up as a priority. From their experiences, they proposed reforms so that the Catholic Church testifies of the Spirit of Jesus and be evangelical inspiration for the way that the world should meet these challenges.
Biography of François Becker
François Becker, an honorary university professor, a Christian of Catholic faith, is working since his retirement, in international networks of Christian reformers so that the Catholic Church becomes an evangelical inspiration for the world of the 21st century, as well as in several associations in order that Europe, which is more and more pluriconvictionnal, becomes more cohesive by promoting active European citizenship and by effectively implementing Human Rights and the European Social Charter. After having represented the INGO European Network Church on the Move at the Council of Europe, he was commissioned by an international collective of associations of Catholic Reformers to animate the Council 50 project and to organize in this framework the First Global Forum of the People of God.